MaxTaq Hot-Start DNA Polymerase

Catalog Number: TH03

Unit Size: 100rxns (500units /500ul)

Also Known As:  Hot-Start Taq / Universal Annealing Protocol / Thermostability / qPCR / real-time PCR

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MaxTaq Hot-Start DNA Polymerase was designed as one of enhanced hot start enzyme DNA Polymerases which provide the convenience and reliability toward your research destination. MaxTaq was engineered with nano technology complex, which is an innovative creation, different from the traditional methods of hot start enzymes made.


► Reactions at room temperature using the same protocol and cycling conditions as conventional Taq DNA polymerases
► Reduce nonspecific primer annealing
► Improve product yield
► Use for PCR products up to 5~6kb

MaxTaq DNA polymerase provides both specificity and yield.

A) MaxTaq
B) Thermo DreamTaq
C) Thermo DreamTaq HS
D) Roche KAPA2G HS
E) Invitrogen Platinum HS

MaxTaq specificity and yield.

Comparison of commercially Hot-Start DNA Polymerase. 406 bp, 653 bp, and 320 bp fragments:

(A) MaxTaq Hot-Start DNA Polymerase

(B) DreamTaq™ Hot Start DNA Polymerase

(C) KAPA2G Fast HotStart PCR Kit

The programs were according to different Hot-Start DNA Polymerase suggested. The size marker is 1Kb DNA Ladder RTU.

Figure 2. Comparison of commercially Hot-Start DNA Polymerase. 406 bp, 653 bp, and 320 bp fragments were amplified from 3.6 ng of human genomic DNA in 20 μL reactions.

MaxTaq VS. MaxTaq Hot-Start DNA Polymerase:

Figure 2. Sensitivity and reliable amplification from low amounts of input DNA. Amplification of a 803 bp fragment from 3; 0.3; 0.2; 0.1; 0.03; 0(no template control) ng of human genomic DNA were amplified in 20μL PCR reactions using MaxTaq DNA Polymerase.

Efficient amplification of DNA sequences with a range of GC content:

Figure 3. Efficient amplification of DNA sequences with a range of GC content. A series of DNA fragments of increasing GC content were amplified from human gDNA. MaximusTaq Hot-Start DNA Polymerase was used for targets with >50% GC.


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