MaxiGellan Gum
Maxigellan Gum: High purity and versatile hydrocolloid for scientific and technological applications. Ideal for stabilizing, thickening and gelling in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries and in the development of cell cultures and microorganisms.
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Maxigellan Gum is a high molecular weight polysaccharide produced by controlled bacterial fermentation. This anionic hydrocolloid is characterized by its unique structure of repeating tetrasaccharides, which gives it exceptional rheological properties. Its high viscosity and ability to form strong, elastic gels at low concentrations make it an ideal ingredient for applications requiring thermal stability and syneresis resistance. In addition, its compatibility with a wide pH range and its ability to interact synergistically with other hydrocolloids extend its versatility in complex formulations.
In the field of scientific research, Maxigellan Gum has proven to be an invaluable tool for the development of plant tissue cultures, microalgae and other microorganisms. Its ability to form three-dimensional matrices provides a controlled and nutritious environment that simulates natural growth conditions, promoting cell proliferation and differentiation. In addition, its stability under sterilization conditions and biocompatibility make it ideal for advanced biotechnological applications.
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