MaxAgarose Powder Plus

Catalog Number: AGMV500G

Unit Size: 500g

Also Known As:  Powder / Nucleic Acid / Gel Electrophoresis

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  • MaxAgarose is ideal for size-based separation of nucleic acids in electrophoresis application.
  • Each gel sharply resolves DNA and provides the consistent resolution from lot to lot.
  • Its low EEO property enables high electrophoretic mobility of DNA.
  • Its strong gel strength allows easy handling and less breakage.
  • There are no detectable DNase and RNase activities.



Gelling Temperature : 36.8°C
Melting Temperature : 87.9°C
Moisture Content : 5.07%
Sulfate Content: 0.097%
Gel Strenght (1% Gel): 1,365 g/cm2
RNase / DNase: non-detectable
Size: 500g


  • Routine analysis of nucleic acids by gel electrophoresis and blotting.
  • Protein gel electrophoresis, Ouchterlony, and radial immunodiffusion(RIO).



Gelling Temperature : 36.8°C
Melting Temperature : 87.9°C
Moisture Content : 5.07%
Sulfate Content: 0.097%
Gel Strenght (1% Gel): 1,365 g/cm2
RNase / DNase: non-detectable
Size: 100g


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