
Ultra Pure Agar for Success in Plant Tissue Culture

At MaxPrecisionLab, we recognize the crucial importance of high-quality agar in plant tissue culture. PrecisionAgar is our ultra-pure agar, specifically designed to meet the rigorous demands of this field.

Precision formulated, PrecisionAgar provides an ideal environment for the initiation, multiplication and rooting of plant tissue cultures.

Exceptional Purity

Contaminant-free for healthy and vigorous crops.

Consistent Gelation

Uniform gelation for a stable growth environment.

Crystal Clear Clarity

Allows easy observation and monitoring of tissue growth and morphology.

Essential Nutrients

It allows adding the necessary nutrients for optimal development.

Easy Preparation

Dissolves quickly to save time and effort.

Reliable Results

Ensures reproducible results in your research.



Simplify your plant tissue culture with superior results.

  • Micropropagation: High quality, identical plant clones.
  • Somatic embryogenesis: Mass propagation and genetic improvement of plants.
  • Organogenesis: Regeneration of whole plants and production of disease-free plantlets.
  • Genetic transformation: Introduces and expresses genes of interest in plants in a precise manner.
  • Germplasm conservation: Stores valuable plant material for the long term.
  • Physiological and biochemical studies: Investigate plant processes in a controlled environment.
  • Greater success: Increase plant regeneration and get more viable plants in less time.
  • Healthier crops: Minimize the risk of contamination and protect your valuable crops.
  • Consistent Results: Ensures a uniform culture environment for reliable results in every experiment.
  • Ease and efficiency: Simplify your work with its easy preparation and use.


precisionagar vs aGAR común



Gelling Properties




Plant Growth Regulators


Plant Growth Regulators

Tissue Culture Results


High purity, free of contaminants and phytotoxins.

Can be supplemented with plant-specific nutrients (hormones, vitamins).

Sterile and ready to use.

Higher cost due to its purity and specialized formulation.

Highly transparent, ideal for observing plant growth and development.

Easily supplementable with auxins, cytokinins and gibberellins.

Plant tissue culture, micropropagation, somatic embryogenesis.

Plant tissue culture, micropropagation, somatic embryogenesis.

Higher success rate, lower risk of contamination, optimal growth and development.

Agar  Común

Lower purity, may contain impurities and plant growth inhibitors.

Contains nutrients for microorganisms, not optimal for plants.

Generally sterile, but susceptible to bacterial contamination.

More economical.

It may be less transparent, making it difficult to observe crops.

Supports phytohormonal supplementation. 

Microbiology, general laboratory use.

Microbiology, general laboratory use.

Lower success rate, risk of contamination, suboptimal growth.


About Agar

Agar-agar, a natural hydrocolloid derived from red algae, is a complex polysaccharide with unique gelling properties. Its versatility makes it a key ingredient in a variety of industries, from food to biotechnology. With different types available, such as Gelidium and Gracilaria agar, each offers specific characteristics that suit different applications.

What is Agar?

Agar-agar, a natural hydrocolloid derived from red algae of the Rhodophyceae class, is a complex polysaccharide with a unique composition that makes it an indispensable ingredient in various industries. Its molecular structure, a variable combination of agarose, agaropectin, water, proteins and essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium, iodine and calcium, gives it exceptional gelling properties.

How is it obteined?

Agar-agar is obtained from red algae, mainly from the genera Gelidium and Gracilaria. The extraction process begins with the collection of these algae, which are then washed and dried in the sun. The algae are then subjected to a cooking process in hot water, where the agar-agar dissolves. The resulting solution is filtered to remove impurities and is purified. Finally, it is cooled so that the agar-agar gels and is obtained in the form of powder or flakes after a drying process.

Where is it used?

Agar-agar, a natural hydrocolloid extracted from red algae, is an essential component in plant tissue culture, providing an ideal culture medium for the propagation and growth of plants in vitro. Furthermore, its versatility extends to other industries. In food, it is used as a gelling and thickening agent in desserts, jams, dairy products and beverages. In cosmetics, it is valued for its moisturizing and thickening properties in creams, lotions and hair products.




Several institutions have already used  precisionagar 

Leading agricultural research and development institutions, such as the National Institute of Agricultural and Forestry Innovation (INIAF) of Bolivia, trust in the quality and purity of our Precisionagar for their plant biotechnology projects. Our product, recognized for its gelling capacity and nutritional properties, is essential in the creation of culture media that promote optimal plant development in vitro. These institutions, committed to innovation and the advancement of agriculture, choose our Precisionagar as a fundamental pillar in their research and development of new crop varieties, guaranteeing reliable and reproducible results.

Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agropecuaría y forestal